Clive works with clients in Southern Africa, Australia/NZ & Europe over the Internet offering a variety of services, specialising in the use of Cannabis and Microdosing, Microbiome & as a Holistic Healthcare consultant.
Certified Herbalist, Nutritionist, and Holistic Skin Care consultant. Registered with The School of Natural Health Sciences in London UK. Accredited by The College of Holistic Medicine.
Experienced in blending & creating Herbal Treatments to address Autism, Epilepsy, Anxiety, Parkinson's, Dementia, Joint Pain and Arthritis protocols, Microdosing for Depression, Creativity and Insomnia using locally available ingredients.
Autism treatment guidance using personalised Cannabis Strains, Terpenes & Dosing protocols, specific to each client.
Dementia treatments using Mycology and Symbiotic Herbals to assist with reducing anxiety and support the brain by slowing down the deterioration of neural connections.
A solid understanding of the medical applications of Cannabis and the full Cannabinoid spectrum and specializes in creating custom protocols to suit clients needs and providing a support system to assist the client through the whole healing process as the body adapts to the protocol.
Pain Management and Sleep Protocols using Full Spectrum Herbal Infusions.
A debilitating health scare in the mid-'90s put Clive on a Journey of Gut Health Awareness and Replenishment of the microbiome and how vital this facet of our health is.
Sinus and Throat health, Candida, Parasites, Gut Health and Microbiome rebuilding, Fermented foods and the Supplements needed to make this journey a success, are all part of the tools that we use to guide our clients.
Diet Protocols for tackling Yeast and Candida overgrowth, Herbal protocols for eradicating yeast, candida and parasitic pathogens, making your own Probiotics, enemas and repopulating of the colon.
Skincare protocols and all Natural blends of the finest organically grown & sourced ingredients, to assist with slowing ageing, eczema, skin cancers, and most skin conditions.