My Plant-Based Food Adventure: Eating 30 Different Plant Foods in One Week

Quite some time ago, I decided to challenge myself to incorporate 30 different plant-based foods into my raw vegan diet weekly. As a dedicated foodie and a health-conscious individual, I was excited to explore the...

Patricia 07/11/2024
Gut Health 101: Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Fermented Foods

Maintaining a healthy gut is vital for overall well-being. But what are probiotics, prebiotics, and fermented foods? How do they benefit your gut health?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that can provide health benefits when consumed...

Patricia 04/06/2024
Building a Healthy Gut Microbiome

Did you know that our body is home to trillions of microorganisms collectively known as the microbiome? These microbes play a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and well-being. They aid in digesting food...

Patricia 10/23/2023
5 Recommended Books for Disordered Eating

Eating disorders are a serious mental health issue that can impact people of all ages and backgrounds. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, reading books on the topic can...

Patricia 04/04/2023
Can We Eat To Starve Cancer?

Angiogenesis is the development of new blood vessels, that form from pre-existing vessels, allowing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the body’s tissues. This process involves the migration, expansion, and differentiation of endothelial cells...

Patricia 02/19/2023
Confused About Carbs?

Food is complex and contains macronutrients which are Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats as well as Micronutrients, which are water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, micro-minerals, and trace minerals.

Carbs are molecules that contain single, double, or multiple...

Patricia 03/24/2021
Signs & Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency

The World Health Organization estimates that around 2 billion people worldwide are iodine deficient, and did you know that Iodine deficiency is one of the leading causes of hypothyroidism. 

Many people rely on table salt...

Patricia 11/08/2020
Omega 3 & Omega 6 Fatty Acids

Dietary fats and oils come from both animal and plant sources, however, many people are confused about healthy fats; especially Omega 3's, Omega 6's, and Omega 9's along with DHA and EPA. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA...

Patricia 11/01/2020
Vegan Sources Of Zinc

Next to iron, zinc is the second most plentiful trace mineral in your body and is necessary for good health.

Zinc is needed for the functions of over 300 enzymes and is involved in many...

Patricia 10/14/2020
Vitamin C - You Don't Need A Supplement

Vitamin C is essential for healthy immune function and is the only water-soluble vitamin that doesn’t belong to the vitamin B category. A powerful antioxidant which is essential for a group of biosynthetic and gene...

Patricia 09/30/2020
Nutritional (Health) Terms Explained

There seems to be a great deal of confusion around nutritional terms, and we get asked by our clients to explain these all the time, so we wanted to help clarify things a bit in hopes...

Patricia 06/10/2020
Health Benefits of Humic Acid

While it may look like nothing more than a dark pile of soil to the untrained eye, it is one of the most beneficial nutritional supplements available.

This long-term geological transformation of plant matter into...

Clive 05/06/2020
Micronutrients; Vitamins, Macrominerals and Microminerals

There is increasing interest in the role of micronutrients in optimizing health; micronutrients are substances such as vitamins and minerals that are necessary dietary components. Although needed in only tiny amounts, they are fundamental for...

Patricia 02/17/2020
Understanding Sugars

The various types of sugar are derived from different sources and this can be a somewhat confusing topic as we hear so much about the benefits as well as the harm of consuming sugar. Simple sugars...

Patricia 12/27/2019
Understanding Fats

All components of life are made up of four basic elements, including the foods you eat. Each component comprises of various amounts of some or all four of these elements. Take water for instance which has...

Patricia 12/17/2019
Seven Nutrients To Lift Your Mood

Omega 3's are well known for their role in maintaining skin, healthy hair, and strong nails, Omega 3 elevates good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol. Omega 3’s are used to help in cases of arthritis...

Clive 12/17/2019
Health Benefits of Pineapple

Pineapples are one of the only members of the bromeliad family that actually produces fruit. It’s incredible health benefits include boosting immunity with high levels of vitamin C, along with high levels of manganese which...

Raised Vibes 12/11/2019
Be Proactive About Your Immunity

So many people are struggling to improve their health and the quality of their lives, yet they are turning everything over to an outside or external source, whether it be a physician or continually looking...

Raised Vibes 12/09/2019
The Truth About Nitrates And Nitrites

What's the Big Difference?

Nitrates and nitrites are two distinct types of compounds. Nitrates (NO3) consist of one nitrogen atom and three oxygen atoms. Nitrites (NO2) consist of one nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms. 

Patricia 09/03/2019